The Institute of Psychomoralitics is a Christian community of both clinicians and therapants, of scholars and disciples, who are engaged in the same human, and more so Christian, vocation to receive-the-real, assent-to-truth, and choose the-good, unto maturation and sanctification. Psychomoral clinicians, then, are tasked to witness to the truth and manifest the good to not only their therapants but, in integrity with this, to the world: That is, they are called to be boldly prophetic. As such, psychomoral practitioners remain in close clinical and Christian communion through regularly scheduled groups and their own personal encounters.
Program Length: 2 years
Year 1 Cost Per Credit Hour: $220
Year 2 Cost Per Credit Hour: $110
Total Credits: 36
Next Start Date: Sept. 10, 2024
Seminar I: Philosophical Clinical Psychology
1. Introduction
2. Teleological & Anthropological Basis
3. Epistemological & Moral Basis
Seminar II: Selective Reading
1. Living the Truth (Pieper)
2. Catholic Existential Orientation
Seminar III: Catholic Conceptualization
1. The Spiritual Elements of Psychomoralitics
2. Seven Principles of Psychomoralitics
The estimated cost for the awarding of the Psychomoral Certified Clinician Degree is $5,940. The program takes two years to complete.
Psychomoralitics utilizes an understanding of the human person that synthesizes natural law, ancient wisdom, and cutting-edge science. By definition, process, and discipline, psychomoralitics is not a "mental health" profession but rather studies and treats the soul and its concomitant faculties.
The hallmark of the Institute of Psychomoralitics' integrity and uncompromising concern for its therapants is manifest in its opposition to any form of State occupational licensure and its requirements to act as agents of the State. Psychomoral Affiliate Therapists, working under State licensure, remain subject to its requirements
The Psychomoral Certified Clinician Degree can be completed 100% remotely. For the typical degree plan, classes are held twice a week via video conference. All readings and assignments are to be completed on one's own time.